Sunday, February 8, 2015

Blog 2 - The Best Super Bowl Commercials 2015 - Part 1

Hi people,

I thought long and hard about what I should put in this post, and as I said on the first one, this blog will concentrate in commercials related to movies and sports. Thinking about that I realized that the best way to start this is to analyze the best commercials of one of the biggest sport events in the whole entire world: the Super Bowl.

We all know that Super Bowl Commercials are really famous here in the United States, just so you know, in this year’s Super Bowl a 30-seconds ad cost $4.5 million (FORBES). Yes, it’s that cheap. I will have to split this Super Bowl ads in two parts, because there were so many great commercials that I want to talk about it, and I do not want a post that is enormous. Before we start I just want to say that the last play call on that game was the worst I have ever seen in my life, give the ball to Marshawn "Beast Mode" Lynch. Anyway, let's start this thing.

Carvana Super Bowl Commercial

I want to start with this one, not because it was one of the best commercials, I honestly think that there were a great amount of commercials that were better than this one. However, this is a good ad by Carvana to show the trend of the commercials in this year’s Super Bowl, which was to target the millennials, who is the generation shown in this Caravana’s commercial, that usually do almost everything using technology and finding ways to do things as quickly and easier as possible (ok, I have to admit that sometimes that means the laziest way). Nevertheless, this is a good commercial to show this trend to make commercials with more of a emocional punch or maybe more funnier to capture the millennials' attention, this is an important information to keep in mind while analyzing this commercials.

BMW i3: "Newfangled Idea"

Let’s stay in the car industry with this great ad, in my opinion, made by BMW. This commercial started showing journalists Bryant Gumbel and Katie Couric in 1994, talking about what was Internet and showing complete lack of knowledge about the subject. The ad continue to the year of 2015 showing that they are in the BMW i3 car, and they discuss about the car, what was used to built it, what is the meaning of i3, and some other points. What stood up to me was that the commercial did an awesome job comparing the lack of knowledge that they had about Internet with the lack of knowledge about the car, showing that, as they stated at the end of the commercial, “big ideas take a little getting used to it”. This information tries to sell to the public that this car is as revolutionary and innovative as the Internet, but they did not show any price in the commercial, but since is a BMW revolutionary eletric car it will probably be expansive. 

Always #LikeAGirl

This is an amazing commercial that shoed us how insulting can a little expression, such as like a girl, can be. What stood out for me was the little boy that thought that he was insulting girls, but not his sister. This commercial bring valid points to how society still treat women as fragile, but then when you see the little girls and what do they have to say, you can see that they are not fragile at all, and that the real meaning for Like a Girl, is to make amazing things and do the best that you can. The product of this commercial is Always' products, basically products for women personal hygiene. The price and place they are not specified in the ad; the promotion is the commercial itself. This commercial can do women more willing to buy Always' products, because the brand is being so supportive for women’s rights, which is a great marketing strategy by Always, to try to influence the consumer purchase decision process, by having a better image for their consumers. Another interesting fact is that this is a very emotional commercial, especially for women that had problems during their lives, like bullying, this is a great example of a commercial that focused on the Millennials, because of the emotion involved on it and the feminism movement that is getting more stronger in this new generation.

Domestic Violence PSA

This is a commercial that basically complement to the one above, it showed a true story of this 911 call. I liked the fact that there were no actors in the commercial, and it was basically shots inside a house, because it makes you give more attention to the conversation. The product of the commercial is the service of the website, and if you keep in mind all the problems that the NFL had with the Ray Rice case, this is a perfect place to put a commercial like this, to try to keep in people’s mind what the NFL as an organization is doing to try to end violence against women.

Well, this is it for today. If you have something to add or to comment about this commercials, or other ads that you think can related to these that I showed here, feel free to comment down below. Thanks for reading, and see you on the next post.

Take care,





BMW i3:

Always #LikeAGirl:

Domestic Violence PSA:

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