Monday, April 27, 2015

Post 10: So long, and thanks for all the fish!

Hello, guys!

How is everything going? I hope you are fine and ready for my last post. Yes, my last post, I know it is sad, but everything that is good in life one day will come to an end. Now, let’s start to talk about what is the point of this last post. This post is about what I learned and how was my overall experience with this blog project and with my course in general.

The first thing I want to talk about is the concepts to make business decisions and the evaluation of its outcomes, because the way this course taught that was really interesting. We used a tool from a website called, where we made groups to sell backpacks, with this software we spent money on advertisement, changed features of the backpacks, among other things. Then, we analyzed the results and changed some things in order to get a better net profit at the end of the next week. This was a really fun and interest way to learn all the things involved in marketing a product, form controlling the budget to invest in promotion, to the price and places we would sell our product.

This game that we played also help us to develop the ability to participate and communicate as an effective member of a group, because every week we need to sit down together with our team members to discuss what would be our changes in the strategy and in our product to try to have a more successful company, alongside to that we also had a great amount of group activities in class, to come up with solutions to different problems, or with ideas to new products, or even just with different examples for some situations.

Another concept that the game helped develop was to use experimental learning to improve our knowledge and skills, because as I said before we did a great amount of things inside this game, from hearing feedback from our target market and decide the features of our product, until choosing the channel of advertisement that we would use.

The income statement we needed to do to evaluate our company in the simulation is a great example of building a decision model in Excel to evaluate decisions and outcome of our simulation, another great skill that we develop during this semester. The income statement also helped us to learn better how to analyze and evaluate basic financial statements and business formulas, such as Return on Equity, profits, among others.

I cannot forget to mention the fact that we had to present a TED Talk and criticize two commercials in front of the class during this semester, we also had to peer review blog post from our colleagues of the marketing course and we had to right a blog, after all it is where you are reading this post right now, these three things are a great example of using written and oral skills to persuade a target audience.

So, that is it. I hope you guys enjoyed this journey. I really appreciated it everybody that read my post and showed me some support. Thanks for everything guys!

So long guys, and thanks for all the fish!


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