Saturday, January 24, 2015

Blog 1: A Little Bit About Me


I am Leonardo, but you can call me Leo. I am a student in Saint Michael’s College and my concentration is business. As I am doing this for marketing, since the name of the blog is “Marketing in my World, you already know that I like marketing. However what you do not know about me is that I am not the prototypical student in Saint Michael’s College, because in fact I am not a “real student” in this college. I am, in fact, a student exchange from Brazil!

I know what you are thinking, and the answer is: Yes…a lot of people play soccer in Brazil, we love to dance and party there and it is really hot almost the whole year. But we have snow there… I am kidding; we do not have snow there. However, before answer the question: How did I end up here in Vermont? I have to say that the primary reason for me, to not consider myself as a regular business student, and the reason is…I love this suspense…My major in Brazil is pharmacy. I know you are probably thinking that I am crazy, and I am, but that is not the point here. Now I will tell you guys, my story of how I ended up in Vermont in this marketing class.

I was unhappy with the pharmacy major, but since I was a senior I decided to keep in college to get my degree, but then I had to start thinking about my future work. Looking at the different areas I found that probably the one that most excited me was marketing. Then I saw an opportunity of being a student exchange in the United States, with a program called Science Without Borders. I decided to get in this program and they picked up the university for me and lucky me, I ended up here in Saint Michael’s College, in the beautiful, cold and colorful state of Vermont.

I love this colors so much, so here is another photo.

So beautiful...Ok, let's go back to the point. When I got here I already had in mind that I wanted to take class related to management and marketing, then it is easy for you to imagine how I got in this class. However, one thing that it is really important about this blog is that I will talk about marketing in my world, with that I mean in my life, one thing you guys still do not know about me is that I have a YouTube channel where I do movie reviews, so basically you can expect a lot of posts to be related to marketing and movies, not only product placements inside the movie, but the way the movie was advertised around the United States and even around the world. Hopefully, I will be able to talk about all the techniques used to advertise, the reasons for the people involved with the movie to use these techniques the way they did and how effective the marketing for the movie was.
Sometimes related to sports too, because I am a huge fan of sports, I love NBA, NFL, Volleyball, Soccer (I am Brazilian after all), basically I like any type of competition, maybe even some posts about rock, paper, scissors...ok, maybe this is going too far, but you got the point.

Hopefully, you will enjoy my posts, have fun with them and maybe share a little bit of your knowledge with me during this journey. Thanks for reading this post and now you know a little bit more about me. 

Take care,

